Largo Flying Club General Meeting Minutes of April 2, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski.  There were 22 members present.

  1. Minutes of the March, 2019 meeting were deferred until the next meeting.
  2. Reports from officers:
  3. Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this weekend, weather permitting. Members were told to bring a plane for taxiing, loops, and rolls. There will be combat.

Secretary Mary Tittle was not present. Her report was that the safety rules were updated. The AMA charter for 2019 was received.

Safety Officer Art Brown reported one member was grounded for a week for crashing into the roof of the shelter.

Field Maintenance: Some work on the charging terminals will be done this week.

Chief Flight Instructor Dave Gearheart was not present.

Youth Program Director Larry Tittle reported the club received a TAG award of $400.00 for the summer program. He will be meeting with Doug at the community center about the summer program.

Webmaster Mark Spencer reported the website is working well. The club now owns the following web addresses:,, and

Old Business: None

New Business:

  1. New Members/Guests: Tom Leek
  2. One member asked about the progress of the weather station. There is no progress at this time.
  3. There is now a Buy/Sell/Trade section on the Club website.

Open Floor:
Discussion about the Instructor Program and how to deal with the demands of new students. Suggestions include an evening program and requiring a student be assigned to a specific instructor.

Show and Tell

  1. Charlie Lambour showed his U-control model converted to RC.
  2. Ed Rouisse gave the history of the club.

Motion to adjourn at 7:50 pm by Kathy White, seconded by Ray Smith. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle

Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster