November Meeting
Largo Flying Club Board of Directors Meeting

Present were Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowsk, Ron Cheshire, Ray Smith, Steve Philbin, Steve Wofsey, Robie Riggle,  and Mary Tittle

The batteries at the field need to be replaced. Four of the batteries are bad. Discussed pros and cons of purchasing batteries from eBay and from Interstate Battery. Cost is $355.00 from eBay. Warranty is believed to be for 30 days. Cost of batteries from Interstate Battery is $475.00 with a $45.00 core charge. Warranty is for 2 years. Batteries will be delivered to the field. Both types of batteries are 200 amp hours. Motion to purchase six 200 amp hour batteries from Interstate Battery by Steve Philbin, seconded by Steve Wofsey. Motion carried. Money to purchase the batteries will come from the savings account which was set up to purchase new batteries when needed.

Other equipment for the charging stations
New solar panels and parts have been ordered. Eight 100 watt panels have been ordered. Cost is $82.00 per panel shipped. Additional equipment is needed to continue work on the charging stations. Motion to approve $500.00 for miscellaneous equipment for the charging stations by Ray Smith, seconded by Steve Philbin. Motion carried.

Meeting location for December
Discussed whether to meet at the Community Center for our December meeting or meet at the field. When asked via email, of the members responding, most indicated they had no preference. Six members preferred to meet at the field. It was decided to hold the December meeting at the field.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Tittle