President Mike Bluestein called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Treasurer’s Report (John Wolf):  $17,011.00 in our account including Event fees of $61.00 collected at the Swap Meet and 2 new members added to the club.

Secretary’s Report:  Paul Kostopoulos read the minutes for the April Meeting.  They were approved without dissent.

President’s Report (Mike Bluestein):  All guests and members of the Largo Flying Club must be current with the AMA when flying at the field.  Motioned to accept by Mark and seconded by Matt.  Due to past vandalism at the field, we have now installed (2) cameras and signage, set up by John and Robbie.  Thank you sent out to John Stewart for donation of a BBQ grill for the club.  Tanks will be stored off site at Matt’s house.  New Prep Tables are now at the site, built by Matt and Al.  Since we now have more tables, planes may be left on tables as long as there is still space for members to prep their planes.  Reminder not to install batteries in the shed area.

Vice President’s Report (Paul Kostopoulos):  Next Fun Fly, on Saturday, April 13th there will be a “Limbo”, Figure 8 Race and Touch’n’Go events.  Refreshments to be served will be donuts and hot dogs.

Safety Officer’s Report (Art Brown):  No report.  Art is currently in the hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Field Maintenance Officer’s Report (Matt Lombardi):  Pot holes on landing strip and under awning have been repaired.

Training Officer’s Report (Ron):  Currently training (2) new members which is going well.

Webmaster Report (Mark Spencer):  Not Present

Heli Rep:  Not Present

Old Business: 

Regarding the gap in the roof between the main cover and the extension at the east end, still working out a plan and estimate of cost. 

No update on club shirts and hats. 

Mark Jackson handed out brochures for a T-28 Air Racing.  This would be a (2) pylon course.  Mike B asked how soon this could be done, Mark stated it would be a 6-month time frame, looking at November of this year and scheduled twice yearly.  Ron asked if this would be multiple club participation in the racing.  Mark stated it would be.

No update of Facebook page.

New Business:

Ron brought up bringing back some of the old activities such as Plane Combat with Streamers.  General discussion.  No motion.

New member to our club David B requested getting his Largo Flying Name Tag/Badge.  Paul K stated he would follow up and take care of this.

Mike B will be leaving for the summer, Paul K to take over duties of President in his absence.

Show and Tell:  David B brought in his P-51 Mustang and discussed his nitro to electric conversion.

Motion to adjourn by Bill, seconded by Mark.  Motion carried without dissent.