Largo Flying Club Meeting, Feb 6, 2024 Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mike Bluestien
- Minutes of the Jan 2, 2024 meeting were read by Jeff Cobb. Motion to accept by George Petty, second by Ed Cox. Motion carried.
Treasurer report read by John Wolf, motion to accept by Bill Norris, second by Mike Young. Motion carried. - Mike Bluestien talked about the following; roster is being updated, see John Wolf for badges.
- Shed was cleaned out. Ron C has repaired two club planes for training and introduction flights.
- We were emailed from sparks about a company hiring people to assemble R.C. planes.
- Paul Kostopoulos said we will have a fun fly on sat,Jan 10th.
- The Club Officers thanked Mary Tittle for her Help with emails.
Safety Officer reported no problems.
Field Maintenance Officer reported four benches built, four more coming. Charger station repairs after that. Thanked those who helped out.
Mike Bluestien said we should make a sign listing nearest emergency room location.
After some discussion it was decided that the the sign should include;
Call 911 in an emergency! The fields address. The largo police dept phone number. Addresses of nearby emergency rooms.
Jeff Cobb was asked to make this sign.
Feb 17 and 18th will be work at the field days. Asked members to arrive at the field at 9:00 a.m. and to bring Hammers and rechargeable drills.
Ron reported two students close to completing flight training. Tom W said he had signed off his student.
We still need to purchase receivers for training planes as per motion from Jan meeting.
Tom W made a motion to repay Ron C $100.00 for a transmitter he purchased for the club trainers.
Motion was seconded by Jeff C, motion carried.
It was discussed that the weather station needs to by replaced. It was agreed that Jerry Cleveland will handle this.
Mike opened the floor for discussion. And then showed Items donated to the club for sale.
Paul K asked about a first aid kit, Tom W told about the first aid kit we had being robbed.
After some discussion it was decided that John W will purchase a new first aid kit and it will be kept inside the shed.
Mike B talked about the shed not being a dumping ground, asked members to keep it neat.
Charlie showed his control line converted to r.c. “Baby V Shark”
John McVee showed his Bucker Bu 131 model.
Winner of the drawing for a Phils hobbies gift cert. was Ray Crumrine.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jeff Cobb, seconded by Bill Norris.