Largo Flying Club General Meeting 
Minutes of June 4, 2019

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by President Wojciechowski.  There were 20 members present.

Minutes of the May 7, 2019 meeting were read. A change was made in the approval of the minutes. It should read “Motion to accept by Ernie Riedel, seconded by Steve Wofsey”. Motion to accept with the change by Steve Philbin, seconded by Tim Wojciechowski. Motion carried.

Reports from officers:

  • Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be no fun fly in June, July, or August due to the heat.
  • Secretary Mary Tittle had no report.
  • Safety Officer Art Brown reported there were no suspensions this month. He expressed concern about the members who fly helicopters aggressively and the possibility of injury. Recently a blade came off one and hit the shed. One member passed out at the field due to dehydration. Members were reminded to hydrate during the summer months. The police were called for three college student who were firing guns at the field while reportedly making a cowboy movie.
  • Field Maintenance: The solar panels were cleaned.
  • Chief Flight Instructor Dave Gearheart was not present. Larry Tittle presented Hilton Bruch a certificate and wings for achieving solo flight.
  • Youth Program Director Larry Tittle that we are ready for the summer camp. The roster is not filled yet.
  • Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.

Old Business: None

New Business:

  • New Members/Guests: Glenn Lenhard
  • Security Cameras: The field was recently vandalized with several security cameras broken. Motion to spend up to $200.00 to replace the cameras by Steve Philbin, seconded by Tim Wojciechowski. Motion carried.
  • AED: The club will not purchase an AED for the field due to requirements of testing and maintenance of device.
  • Security at the field: Members were reminded to let an officer know if any problems are seen at the field.
  • FPV rules: One member asked about allowing more than one FPV fly at a time. Will be discussed further at a later meeting.

July meeting: There will be no meeting in July

Motion to adjourn at 7:40 by Richard Birchmire, seconded by Steve Wofsey. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle

Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster