Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of April 10, 2021
Meeting called to order at 9am at the flying field by President Wojciechowski. There were 27 members present.
Motion to defer reading of the minutes by Steve Wofsey, seconded by Matt Lombardi. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly today after the meeting. Events TBA.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported the charter and insurance certificate from AMA were received. She read a letter from a student from the summer camp who was now in charge of the drone program at his school. She told members who were attending the City of Largo’s Volunteer Appreciation Drive Thru event there would be no food.
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported two members were grounded for crashing out of bounds. He reminded members to fly the pattern. Members were reminded not to take off by crossing the runway. Members who did 3-D maneuvers were reminded not to perform the maneuvers in front of other pilots and to fly away when other pilots were landing. Members who fly helicopters were reminded of the safety rules pertaining to helicopters and the designated flying areas were the slow fly areas on the east and west ends of the field. Members were reminded of safety rule #20 that says any crash out of bounds results in revocation of privileges and review by the Safety Officer. This includes a pilot and student who may be using a buddy box.
- Field Maintenance Officer Matt Lombardi reported no problems
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyert had wings and certificates for Doug Dexter and David Barth for achieving solo flight.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle had no report.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- Guest privileges: Members were reminded that guest privileges were for individuals a member knows and not for someone who may just show up at the field.
- Solar power system: Work on the solar power system is almost completed and seems to be working well.
- Security cameras: The security camera system is working.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Jeff Bergman; Joe Leon
- Swap meet: Motion to hold a swap meet on Saturday May 8 by Ron Cheshire, seconded by Art Brown. Motion carried. There will be no charge. Social distancing will continue to be maintained.
- Drainage issue: There is a drainage problem at the west end of the pilot area. Discussed possible options for repair as well as marking the area for the safety of members.
- Runway: Will need to consider when to replace the runway.
- 120v ac power: Motion to spend up to $1000.00 for the addition of ac terminals at the charging stations by Mike Bluestein, seconded by Frank Boykin. Motion carried.
Open Floor
- One member asked about the use of the security camera system. Members were reminded the security camera system was not being used to spy on members.
- Phil’s Hobby Shop is not closing.
- One member asked about a raffle at the meetings.
Motion to adjourn at 9:55 by Richard Birchmire, seconded by Matt Lombardi. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster