Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of December 4, 2018
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski. There were 35 members present.
1. Minutes of the November 6, 2018 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Dan Lemiesz,
seconded by Mike Bluestein. Motion carried.
2. Reports from officers:
a. Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this weekend, weather permitting.
Events will be decorate your plan, fly your decorated plane, and team cutting the tail. There will
be food.
b. Secretary Mary Tittle reported the city will be hosting a volunteer appreciation dinner on March
26th. They would like to send individual invitations and need names of members who wish to
attend. Please let her know if you will be attending as she needs to send a list to the city.
c. Safety Officer Tim Wojciechowski reported there were two 7-day suspensions for crashing in
the pit area.
d. Field Maintenance Officer Robie Riggle had no report.
e. Chief Flight Instructor Dave Gearheart was not present.
f. Youth Program Director Larry Tittle reported he sold some items at the swap meet for the
summer program. He had an indoor Vapor with batteries for sale.
g. Webmaster John Miller was not present.
3. Old Business
a. Swap meet: President Wojciechowski reported the swap meet was successful, with $226.00 in
parking and $81.00 in donations.
b. Money in the Treasury: President Wojciechowski asked for ideas for field improvement. Ideas
included a shelter for the slow fly area, a golf cart, posts at an angle to lean against while flying,
upgrading the solar panels, and a remote weather station.
4. New Business:
a. New Members/Guests: None
b. Election results:
President – Tom Wojciechowski
Vice President – Ray Crumrine
Treasurer – Ted Wojciechowski
Secretary – Mary Tittle
Board of Directors – Ron Cheshire, Steve Philbin, Ray Smith, Steve Wofsey
c. January meeting: The next meeting would be January 1. As this is a holiday, the community
center will be closed. The January meeting will be January 8 in the ballroom at the community
center. We will have a short business meeting and dinner. There will be a give-away. An e-mail
will be sent before the meeting asking for those attending to RSVP so a head count can be
determined for dinner.
d. Donation to the City of Largo: Motion to donate $500.00 to the City of Largo by Frank Boykin,
seconded by Mike Bluestein. Motion carried.
e. Field maintenance: All members will need to assist with the field maintenance.
f. FAA registration: The FAA has extended the expiration date for FAA registration for 2 years.
5. Show and Tell
a. Robie Riggle had a 3D Hobby Shop Extra 330 for sale.
b. Kathy White was thanked for the cake.
Motion to adjourn at 7:55 by Kathy White, seconded by Tim Wojciechowski. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster