Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of February 5, 2019
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski. There were 29 members present.
- Minutes of the December 4, 2018 and January 8, 2019 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Steve Philbin, seconded by Ray Smith. Motion carried.
- Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this weekend, weather permitting. Events will be fly and glide, wheel of misfortune, and limbo. There will be combat.
Secretary Mary Tittle reported the list of members who wish to attend the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner hosted by the City of Largo was sent. The TAG report was submitted. We received a note from Joan Byrne thanking the club for the donation.
- Safety Officer Tim Wojciechowski was not present.
- Field Maintenance Officer: Without a field maintenance officer, field maintenance is everyone’s responsibility.
- Chief Flight Instructor Dave Gearheart reported Bob Beers, Toby Wright, and Keith Evert completed solo flight.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle had no report. He thanked the membership for the prize he won at the January dinner.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- January dinner: The January dinner was a success with approximately 50 attending.
- Improvements to the field: Mention was made about having leaning posts for member when flying. Suggestion was for members to use the stools at the field to fly, if needed.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Hilton Bruch, Bruce Clough
- Safety Officer: The current Safety Officer, Tim Wojciechowski, will be moving from the local area and needs a replacement. President Wojciechowski appointed Art Brown as the new safety officer.
- Solar Panels: Some of the solar panels need to be replaced. We will need to upgrade the solar system.
- Membership cards: Printing the membership cards each year is time consuming and difficult. We need to consider other options, including a card printer for ABS style cards.
- Show and Tell: Charlie Lambour had a scratch built scale model of a “sweet dreams” ultra light.
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm by Kathy White, seconded by Steve Wofsey. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster