Largo Flying Club Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes of January 7, 2020
Present were Tom Wojciechowski, Ray Crumrine, Ron Cheshire, Ray Smith, Steve Philbin, and Mary Tittle
Minutes of February5, 2019
Minutes of February 5, 2019 were read. Motion to approve by Ray Crumrine, seconded by Ray Smith. Motion carried.
Appointment of Officers
- President Wojciechowski, appointed the following officers for 2020
- Safety Officer – Art Brown
- Field Maintenance Officer – Matt Lombardi
- Webmaster – Mark Spencer
- Chief Flight Instructor – Matt Ahlersmeyer
Software for ID printer
The software purchased for the ID badge printer was not compatible with our Excel file. President Wojciechowski purchased the correct software for $395.00 and needs reimbursement. Motion to reimburse PresidentWojciechowski $395.00 by Ray Crumrine, seconded by Steve Phlbin. Motion carried. Will report this at the general membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Tittle