Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of January 7,2020
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski. There were 26 members present.
Minutes of the December 3, 2019 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Steve Philbin, seconded by Vic Sears. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this Saturday, weather permitting. Events will be limbo, spin the wheel, and a bean bag toss event. There will be combat with enough participation. Events will start at 10 am.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported the donation to the city was sent. The list of new officers was sent to Joan Byrne. She read a thank you note from Joan Byrne for the donation. Get well cards were sent to two members. The club has been asked to participate in the 25th birthday celebration of Largo Central Park. This will be discussed in more detail under new business. A member sent an email reporting that the bee hives have been vandalized. Contact information about the bee hives is at the field. Please call if any problems are seen.
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported there have been no suspensions this month.
- Field Maintenance Matt Lombardi reported he needs new signs before he paints. He indicated a new weed eater and blower are needed. Motion to approve $300.00 to purchase a new weed eater and blower by Larry Tittle, seconded by Steve Philbin. Motion carried.
- Chief Flight Instructor Dave Gearheart was not present. There are still several students who have not achieved solo flight.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle reported he had items for sale for the summer program. The TAG report was completed and submitted.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer reported the web site is functioning well. The classified section is being used. One member asked about forming a group on the website. He will look into it.
Old Business
- ID badges are complete.
- Weather station: Jerry Cleveland sent information about a weather station to purchase.
- Matt Lombardi was thanked for all the work being done at the field.
- Club dinner: Discussed having a catered picnic at the field. Planned for February 29th at the field. Members will need to RSVP for a head count for food. Motion to spend up to $1500 for a LFC picnic and raffle on 2/29 by Richard Birchmire, seconded by Michael Bluestein. Motion carried.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Fred Boyajian, Frank Lamitola, Mark Wisner, John Reiter
- New officers: President Wojciechowski. appointed the following officers for 2020
- – Safety Officer – Art Brown
- – Field Maintenance Officer – Matt Lombardi
- – Webmaster – Mark Spencer
- – Chief Flight Instructor – Matt Ahlesmeyer
- 25th celebration for Largo Central Park: The club been asked to participate in the 25th birthday celebration of Largo Central Park. The event is April 25th from 11am to 9 pm. Matt Ahlesmeyer has been asked to be in charge. Ideas for activities include acrobatic flying, combat flying, FPV flying of quads, static display, and using simulators. Will continue to be discussed as plans progress.
- Membership cap: The current membership cap is 175 members. Motion to increase the membership cap to 200 by Michael Bluestein, seconded by Steve Philbin. Motion carried.
- Software for ID printer: Software for the ID printer not compatible with our roster file. Cost of the software was $395.00. The Board of Directors approved reimbursement to President Wojciechowski $395.00 for the cost of the software.
Open Floor
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm by Vic Sears, seconded by Richard Birchmire. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle