Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of January 9, 2021
Meeting called to order at 9 am by President Wojciechowski at the flying field There were 27 members present.
Motion to suspend reading of the December minutes by Larry Tittle, seconded by Art Brown. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be no fun fly this month.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported a thank you card and check for $500.00 was sent to Joan Byrne. A list of the new officers was sent to Joan Byrne. The AMA charter was received.
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported there was one suspension for crashing in the parking lot.
- Field Maintenance officer Matt Lombardi had no report.
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyer had wings and a certificate for Mike Young who has achieved solo flight. Flight instruction is on a case by case basis.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle thanked Robie Riggle for taking on the project of selling some of the equipment from the summer program.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- Charging system – Thanks were given to all the members who worked on the charging system. There is still some finishing work to be done. The parts have arrived for the cooling system for the batteries.
- Security cameras – Work continues on the security cameras.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Doug Dexter, Mike Greenawald, Jodi Armstrong, Bob Hoag
- Appointment of 2021 officers – President Wojciechowski appointed the following members:
Safety Officer – Art Brown
Chief Flight Instructor – Matt Ahlersmeyer
Field Maintenance Officer – Matt Lombardi
Webmaster – Mark Spencer
Open Floor
- One member asked about the new FAA rules for remote ID. Nothing definitive has been decided.
- Steve Philbin has made lists of what is in each first aid box.
- A gear set was found at the field.
- Membership cards and gate code – President Wojciechowski has membership cards for anyone who did not get theirs last year. The gate code will be changed February 1. The new code is on the back of the card.
Motion to adjourn at 9:20 am by Steve Philbin, seconded by Ray Smith. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster