Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of January 3, 2023
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski. There were 19 members present.
Minutes of the December 6, 2022 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Matt Ahlersmeyer, seconded by John McPhee. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this Saturday. Events will be bean bag toss, blow up a balloon to start flying, and pop a balloon. With enough participation, there will be combat.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported the list of 2023 officers was sent to Krista Pincince,. Larry Tittle and she met with Krista to give her the check from the club and to inform her of the club’s activities. The charter was received from AMA and will be completed and submitted. She informed the members this will be her last year as secretary.
- Safety Officer Art Brown was not present. There were not suspensions this month.
- Field Maintenance officer Matt Lombardi was not present.
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyer had no report.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- AMA is working with the FAA to deem club flying fields as safe sites. The application will be completed and submitted.
- Megan Jetter was given the thank you card and check.
- President Wojciechowski appointed the following officers for 2023:
Matt Ahlersmeyer as Chief Flight Instructor
Art Brown as Safety Officer
Matt Lombardi as Field Maintenance Officer
Mark Spencer as Webmaster
- No decision was reached on door prizes for the general membership meetings.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Richard Helton
- Due to the cloudy weather, there have some problems with AC usage. A generator was purchased by a member and the batteries were recharged. If there are future problems with AC power, members may be asked to charge batteries at home. A solar panel was replaced.
- Work is continuing on the video surveillance system.
Open Floor
- One member asked about the weather station. This will be part of the video surveillance system
- Ron Cheshire was asked about a spring swap meet. As of now, a swap meet will be held March 25.
- Show and Tell – Charlie Lambour had a micro metal Spirit of St. Louis model.
Motion to adjourn at 7:45 by Larry Tittle, seconded by Frank Boykin. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster