Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of October 4, 2022
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by Vice President Ray Crumrine in President Wojciechowski’s absence. There were 14 members present.
Minutes of the September 6, 2022 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Larry Tittle, seconded by Art Brown. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was not available. The report will be presented at the next meeting
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported there will be a fun fly this Saturday. Events will be limbo, musical planes, number of touch and go landings in 2 minutes. With enough participation, there will be combat.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported a sympathy card was sent to Mike Donnell on the passing of his wife. She and Larry Tittle attended the meeting on September 26 that was sponsored by the parks department. Mr. Porter was there with a presentation and to answer questions. He has changed the name of the sports complex to “The Preserve”. His advertising now says “Vote yes on the Preserve”.
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported there have been no problems at the field.
- Field Maintenance officer Matt Lombardi thanked the members who assisted in preparing the field prior to the hurricane. The charging stations are working well.
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyer was not present
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present
Old Business – None
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: None
- Nominations: Eddy Thomas reported that the current officers and board members have all expressed an interest in being on the ballot for 2023.
- We will not be accepting dues for 2023 until after the November 8th election and we know if the referendum passes or fails.
- There is a neighborhood group meeting on October 6th at 6 pm..President Wojciechowski plans to attend. He will present the discussion prior to the fun fly. Mary Tittle will send out the location and address of the meeting.
Open Floor
- One member expressed concern about what will happen to all the equipment at the field should the referendum pass.
- Motion to recommend the Board of Directors meet prior to the next general membership meeting to discuss what the club will do if the referendum passes and discuss plans to effect the election by Michael Bluestein, seconded by Eddy Thomas. Motion carried.
Show and Tell – Ron Cheshire had a 1969 single stick radio.
Motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm by Ray Smith, seconded by Larry Tittle. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster