Largo Flying Club General Meeting
Minutes of March 3, 2020
Meeting called to order at 7 pm by President Wojciechowski. There were 30 members present.
- Minutes of the February 4, 2020 meeting were read and approved. Motion to accept by Steve Wofsey, seconded by Kathy White. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine reported the fun fly will be postponed until Saturday, March 14.
- Secretary Mary Tittle reported the safety rules were updated. The charter was submitted and the facilities agreement with the City was signed. She reported we had 82 RSVP for the picnic. Approximately 65 members and family attended. She thanked everyone who brought a dessert. There was a mix-up for the Largo Volunteer Appreciation Dinner scheduled for March 5. No one in the club received invitations. We were notified by Joan Byrne who said we could still attend if we let her know ASAP. Members were asked to let Mary know before the end of the meeting if they wished to attend.
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported no members were grounded or suspended this month
- Field Maintenance officer Matt Lombardi was not present.
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyer reported there are 7 students. He is considering a contract with new students about time/days for flying.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle reported he had several DGI drones for sale. He thanked Jerry Cleveland for repairing helicopters for the summer program.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- Remote ID proposal by the FAA: The cut off for comments on the AMA website was March 2.
- Members who assisted in the repair of the runway were thanked.
- Club picnic was February 29. All who participated were thanked. Kathy White won the grand prize.
New Business:
- New Members/Guests: Mark Jackson, Jim Fraizita
- Largo Central Park Celebration: Matt Ahlersmeyer has been in contact with the city. We will be having a static display, give-aways, FPV racing, 3-D planes, heli demonstration, and simulators. He will be asking for volunteers. Motion to approve a budget up to $500.00 for the Largo Park Celebration by Michael Bluestein, seconded by Larry Tittle. Motion carried
Open Floor
- One member asked about getting a larger port-a-potty. Ted Wojciechowski will contact the company.
Show and Tell
- Mark Jackson had items for donation.
Motion to adjourn at 7:45 by Kathy White, seconded by Matt Ahlersmeyer. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster