Largo Flying Club General Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2020
Meeting at the flying field called to order at 9 am by President Wojciechowski. There were 30 members present.
Motion to defer reading of the March 3,2020 minutes by Richard Birchmire, seconded by Mike Donnell. Motion carried.
Reports from officers:
- Vice President Ray Crumrine thanked members for following CDC guidelines when at the field. We will forgo fun fly’s until at least December. We will consider starting training with new students. Instructor and student will both have to wear face masks and stay 6 feet apart. Students must be able to work on his/her own plane. We will evaluate in November
- Secretary Mary Tittle had no report
- Safety Officer Art Brown reported one member self reported flying out of bounds and was suspended for one week. He checked with the city about leveling the road. City workers have added road millings to level the road. Thank you cards will be sent to them.
- Field Maintenance officer Matt Lombardi had no report. He was thanked by the members for his care of the field.
- Chief Flight Instructor Matt Ahlersmeyer had no report. As noted in the Vice-President report, student training will be evaluated in November.
- Youth Program Director Larry Tittle reported there will not be a week long summer program. He and several other volunteers did a one day 2-hour presentation in June. We have been asked to do an after school program consisting of 1-hour sessions for several weeks. He has a lot of equipment from the summer program to sell. Anyone interested in a cost sharing endeavors please let him know.
- Webmaster Mark Spencer was not present.
Old Business
- Weather station: Weather station was installed by Jerry Cleveland and Larry Tittle. There is a link on the website. The website is ambient weather.
- Port-a-potty: President Wojciechowski looked into the cost of a larger port-a-potty. The cost would be $250.00 a month. Cost for the club to purchase one is $2500.00. If the club purchased one, we would have to find a company for cleaning. Art Brown has found one for $125.00 per month. Motion to spend up to $150.00 a month for a larger port-a-potty by Mike Adams, seconded by Manny DeSousa. Motion carried
New Business:
New Members/Guests: None
- Lattice gates: The lattice gates at the field need to be replaced. Matt Lombardi will research the cost of different materials
- Nominations: Matt Ahlersmeyer was appointed nominations chairperson by President Wojciechowski. Anyone interested in serving as one of the officers or as a board member, please let him know.
- Signs at the field: Need to replace the large out of bounds sign and all other signs at the field. Motion to spend up to $600.00 for signs at the field by Richard Birahmire, seconded by Jeff Cobb. Motion carried.
Future meetings.: We have received a discount for our meetings at the community center for 2021. We will hold the November meeting at the field. Mary Tittle will check with the community center about holding our December meeting there.
Open Floor
Gate combination: The gate combination has not been changed to the new code.
Shed combination: There was an incident at the field when someone needed to get into the shed for the first aid box. It was suggested to put the shed codes on the back of the membership badge. It was also suggested to put a lock box outside the shed for the fire extinguisher and first aid box. Motion to spend up to $400.00 for a lock box for the safety equipment by Al Tondreault, seconded by Steve Wofsey. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 9:45 am by Ray Smith, seconded by Richard Birchmire. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Tittle
Copies to: Tom Wojciechowski, Ted Wojciechowski, Webmaster